General Assembly 2020

December 9th

On Zoom

Hope to see many of you there!

Christmas is coming, as well as the next D2I2 general assembly!

It will take place on Wednesday 9 December, starting 7.00 pm, online on Zoom at the following link (Meeting ID: 991 3721 2680, Password: 303328).

The General Assembly is the time for renewal of the Administration Council of the association (total 10 persons each with a 3-year mandate). This year 3 persons must be replaced, we therefore call for people motivated to join us. in driving the association. If so, send us a mail (contact below) explaining who you are and why you want to join.

The program? A moment of conviviality for the doctors (current and soon-to-be) of the two infinites. A small icebraker game online and then vote of the moral and financial assessments. Finally we will elect the next members of the administration council (CA). Everything in a good mood, don’t forget your drink, beer or wine are requested 😉

The General Assembly is an important time in the life of the association, and your attendance is more than ever needed! If you cannot personally attend, you can give proxy to another member attending the meeting.

Hope to see many of you there,
The D2I2 team

Contact us: d2i2[@nospam]