D2I2 Meet & Drink

Tuesday, March 3rd

Le Bateau Ivre (40 rue Descartes, Paris 5)
Ⓜ Luxembourg

Next D2I2 Meet & Drink: Tuesday March 3rd, 7pm @ Le Bateau Ivre (40 rue Descartes, Paris 5)

The end of lectures is approaching? Your experiment finally gives decent results (or not)? Your analysis is finally fully debugged (sure about that)? Anyway, it’s time to meet and have a drink!

D2I2 invites you on Tuesday, March 3rd at the “Bateau Ivre” bar (40 rue Descartes, Paris 5) at 7pm to share your experience, grow your professional network, and of course have a good time around a drink! The bar offers an Happy Hour until 9.30pm and snacks to eat for hungry people 🙂


D2I2 is the network of Doctors and PhD students of the Two Infinities and if you don’t want to miss the parties, seminars and workshops that we are organizing, you can also send an email to d2i2@in2p3.fr and we will add you to the mailing list.

The D2I2 team 🙂